Shoes Cleaning Service

Shoes dry is a premium sneaker laundry. Our main services are cleaning & restoration of sneakers and handbags. We also offer services for other footwear and leather accessories such as belts & jackets. We only use the finest techniques and products to provide a bespoke service for your high-grade collection.

  • Certified and Top Rated Professionals – High-Quality Cleaning Agents. Tough on Stains but Gentle for Shoe fabric – Separate Cleaning Technique based on Shoe Type and Fabric Service Available for Leather Shoes, Sports Shoes, Canvass Shoes, Suede Shoes, Nubuck Shoes and Boots.
  • All Shoes & Bags are cleaned with environment-friendly solvents, such as Oil based hydrocarbons.
  • State-of-the-art machinery is used to process the Shoes & Bags where they are treated with highly acclaimed and commercially used solvents.

Our 7 Step Process For
Spotless Shining Shoes!

  • InspectionShoe material analysed to decide the cleaning methodology.
  • DismantlingThe laces, sole, and other removable parts are separated to be cleaned individually.
  • Deep Cleaning & Stain RemovalAny spots or stains are removed with German organic chemicals.
  • Deodorize (Anti-bacterial Treatment)All the bacteria, viruses and bad odor is eliminated.
  • DryingShoes are Air Dried, Blow Dried, or Sun Dried depending on the skin type.
  • Shoe NourishmentShoe skin is nourished & enriched with our unique natural oil based polish
  • AssemblyOnce polish is dried, our experts reassemble all shoe parts and pack them for delivery.